Game Theory Strategy Philip Straffin
Game theory books for students and business professionals. Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy. Straffin, Jr. A solution to a Joel Watson Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory (Third Edition) watson.
Available in: Paperback. This book is an introduction to mathematical game theory, which might better be called the mathematical theory of conflict and. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Game Theory & Strategy at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

MAT406H5F Mathematical Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 Web page: /. Class Location & Time: Tue, 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM IB 395; Thu, 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM IB 235 Tutorials: Fr 14:00- 15:00 IB 390 Instructor: Ilia Binder, William G. 4038, Phone: (905) 569-4381. Office Hours: Th 10-11 and 1-2. Teaching Assistant: Charles Tsang ().
Required Text: Philip D. Straffin, Game Theory and Strategy; The Mathematical Association of America (1993). Online books: • Thomas S.
• Yuval Peres. Game Theory, Alive. Prerequisites: MAT223H5, STA257H5. The course will discuss the mathematical aspects of the game theory, an important area of Mathematics/Probability with multiple applications to Economics, Political Science, and Evolutionary Biology, to name a few.
The course will start with the discussion of impartial combinatorial games: subtraction game, Nim, and Chomp, will discuss the Sprague-Grundy value. After a brief discussion of partisan combinatorial games, we will discuss the zero-sum games and von Neuman's minimax theorem. We will discuss various methods for solving such games. The next big topic will be the general sum games and Nash equilibrium. Other topics will include the coalition games and Shapley value, applications of Game theory to voting (such as Arrow theorem), auctions, and stochastic games. Topics covered in class. September 11: Introduction.
Definition of a combinatorial game. Impartial and partisan games. N- and P- positions. Ferguson, section I.1.
September 13: The games of Chomp! Peres, section 2.1; Ferguson, section I.2. September 18: Bouton's theorem. The sum of combinatorial games. Sprague-Grundy function and theorem. Ferguson, sections I.2, I.3, I.4.
September 20: Examples of using Sprague-Grundy function. Ferguson, section I.4.
September 25: Partisan Games. Zero-sum games: examples, definitions, geometric properties of the set of mixed strategies. Peres, sections 2.2, 3.1; Ferguson, section II.1, Straffin, section 3 September 27: Zero-sum games: von Neumann Theorem, Saddle point, complete solution of 2x2 games. Ferguson, sections II.2.1, II.2.2, Straffin, section 2 October 2: Proof of von Neumann Theorem.
2xm and nx2 games. Ferguson, sections II.2.3, II.2.4; Peres, sections 3.2, 3.3; Straffin, sections 2, 3. October 4:Domination.
Symmetric games. The Principle of Indifference.
Ferguson, sections II.3.1, II.3.5. Mlb 2k12 Pc Keygen Download For Windows. October 9: The principle of indifference.
Diagonal games. Use of symmetry. Extensive form of a game. Ferguson, sections II.3.2, II.3.3, II.3.6, II.5.1, II.5.2, II.5.3; Peres, sections 3.2, 3.3; Straffin, section 5. October 11:Converting extensive form to strategic. General sum games - introduction. Ferguson, sections II.5.4, II.5.5, II.5.6; Peres, sections 3.4, 4.1; Straffin, section 7.
October 16: General sum games: definition, strategic and extensive form, Safety levels, Nash equilibrium. Existence of Nash equilibrium for 2x2 games. Ferguson, sections III.1, III.2.1; Peres, sections 4.1, 4.2; Straffin, sections 11, 12. October 18: Midterm review. October 23: Midterm. October 25:Proof of Sperner Lemma for n=1, 2. Peres, section 4.6.
October 30:Proofs of Sperner Lemma, Brower fixed point theorem, and Nash Theorem. Models of duopoly. Peres, section 4.6, Ferguson, section III.3. November 1: Models of duopoly. Magix Music Maker Techno Edition 2 Serial Killers.
Feasible solutions for cooperative games. Ferguson, sections III.3.3, III.4.1. November 6:Cooperative games: solution for TU games, Nash and Shapley solutions of NTU games. Ferguson, sections III.4.2, III.4.3. November 8: Games in Coalition form. Relation to the strategic form. Ferguson, sections IV.1.1, IV.1.2.
November 13: Constant sum games. Imputations and core. Essential game. Shapley value. Ferguson, sections IV.1.3, IV.2.1, IV.2.2, IV.2.3, IV.2.4, IV.3.1. November 15: An Alternative form of Shapley value. Simple games.
Ferguson, sections IV.3.2, IV.3.3, IV.3.4. November 20:The Shapley-Shubik power index.
Ferguson, sections IV.3.4, IV.4.1. November 22:Properties and computation of Nucleolus.