Ibanez Sr Bass Serial Number
Decode ibanez serial numbers. The Guitardater Project cannot verify the authenticity of ANY Guitar, this site is simply meant as a tool to satisfy. The SR Prestige & SR Premium series have some of the best bass guitars Ibanez can offer. The SR Prestige and SR. More Ibanez Wiki. Eminem Get The Guns Rarely Used For Self. 1 Ibanez serial numbers; 2 List.
Pinnacle Themes Winter Pack Serial Killer on this page. Ibanez Rules DATE YOUR IBANEZ DATING IBANEZ GUITARS An Ibanez serial number can tell you two things, year of manufacture and factory [or country] of manufacture. There is no master list to correlate to a model number, these are consecutive serialized numbers only. If you're trying to figure out what model something is from the serial number, figure out what year it is then go to the catalog library for the corresponding year [or year before or after] to find the model.

Some models will never be found in the catalogs, that's just the way it is. Djmax Technika Tune Limited Edition Jp there. On typical Ibanez serial numbers the first 2 digits will indicate year, or the first digit will indicate the last digit of the year, but there are also some that indicate no year at all. Because allot of it can be confusing I'll spell out as many model/serial types as I can remember tonight in a fully inconcise and dribble filled rant.;) This page is for dating Ibanez guitars built in Japan only. See the Factories heading a few paragraphs down for little info on guitars produced elsewhere. Before 1975 Ibanez did not put serial numbers on their guitars. Most just bore a neck plate simply marked Japan. The only way to date these guitars is to find out what years they were available and then comparing all the minute details like scripts, contours, and inlay variances that only the hardcore vintage gurus know.