Nitro Microphone Underground The Laboratory Rarlab
THE FORCE NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND THE LABORATORY - Release Special Live -in Tuchiura 2011/04/30(SAT) @siki(茨城県土浦市) HP: OPEN TICKET:¥3,000 (限定300枚) 3月31日発売! 前売りチケット取扱店舗に関しては、下記に記載しておりますので御確認ください。なお、店舗での発売開始日は4月4日です。チケットは限定発売となりますので、お早めにお間違いのない様購入お願い致します。 -SPECIAL GUEST ARTIST- NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND (BIG ZAM、DABO、DELI、GORE-TEX、MACKA-CHIN、SUIKEN、S-WORD、XBS) -SPECIAL GUEST DJ- JHETT aka YAKKO (TEAM 44 BLOX) MAILMAN (TEAM 44 BLOX) TOMIKEN (TEAM 44 BLOX) -LIVE- MARS MANIE CIMIC☆O DEAR'BRO BLACK KID SI-MA K-EDGE -DJ- BROW FOCUS for 40KINGS SHINJI SHU-1 -DANCE- JOJI (THE TEAM) KOTOBUKI -HOST MC- 94GHOST -SOUND SYSTEM- 将宗音響 前売り300枚限定!!!! 茨城にその名を刻んだ伝説のイベント『THE FORCE』が新しくなって2011年、4月30日第5土曜日に帰ってくる! スペシャルゲストには日本、アジア、世界問わず説明不要、BIG ZAM、DABO、DELI、GORE-TEX、MACKA-CHIN、SUIKEN、S-WORD、XBSの8MCで構成される『NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND』 2011年1月1日発売されたニューアルバム「THE LABORATORY」リリース スペシャルライブ! そして、スペシャルゲストDJには、日本が誇るヒップホップ集団『TEAM 44 BLOX』から、JHETT aka YAKKO、MAILMAN、TOMIKENが登場! チバラギ、40&44の精鋭達がこの夜、土浦club sikiに集う!

Listen to Nitro Microphone Underground Radio featuring songs from The Laboratory free online. Listen to free internet radio, sports, music, news, talk and podcasts. Nitro Microphone Underground The Laboratory Rar Manage your page to keep your users updated View some of our premium pages: Upgrade to a Premium Page. One of the biggest limitations of Google Home, Google’s voice-controlled speakerbot, was that it couldn’t tell anyone apart so all your requests were centered on.
Nitro Microphone Underground is a Japanese hip hop group from Tokyo. The group appeared on the club scene in the late 1990s with members,,,,,,, and. Although Gore-tex appears on many songs on the Nitro Microphone albums, he is credited under different names, including the alias 'more-sex'. The name of the band is said to have been suggested by Macka-Chin. They have done collaborations with and about half of DJ 's work. Valve Dev Tool Textures Photoshop.
Most of them have done some solo work, especially Suiken and Dabo. They released their self-titled first album as an indie release in 1999, soon selling out of the 20,000 copies printed. They were picked up by and their debut album was re-released in 2000 making it to number 12 on the Japanese charts. Nitro Microphone Underground's success is very often compared to that of the 's in the USA. Also note that the group is of legendary status in Japan for it was the first japanese hip hop act to gather major acclaim without having to go pop.