Playing For Change 2009 Rarepenny
Playing for Change is a multimedia music project, created by the American producer and sound engineer Mark Johnson with his Timeless Media Group, that seeks to. Playing For Change: Songs Around The World. (preloaded with PFC music & videos)-$21.99. Images / 1 / 2. Eco Friendly USB Drive 16 GB (preloaded.

Contents • • • • • • Origin [ ] Playing For Change was born in 2002 as a shared vision between co-founders, Mark Johnson, Raan Williams and, to hit the streets of America with a mobile recording studio and cameras in search of inspiration and the heartbeat of the people. Philip Wesley Dark Night Of The Soul Rar more. Producers Johnson and Enzo Buono traveled around the world to places including,,,,, the and.
Using mobile recording equipment, the duo recorded local musicians performing the same song, interpreted in their own style. Among the artists participating or openly involved in the project are,,,,,,,,,,, Toots Hibbert from, and.
This resulted in the award-winning documentary A Cinematic Discovery of Street Musicians. In 2005, Mark Johnson was walking in, when he heard the voice of Roger Ridley (now deceased) singing 'Stand By Me.' Roger had so much soul and conviction in his voice, and Mark approached him about performing 'Stand By Me' as a Song Around The World. Roger agreed, and when Mark returned with recording equipment and cameras he asked Roger, 'With a voice like yours, why are you singing on the streets?' Roger replied, 'Man I’m in the Joy business, I come out to be with the people.'
Himalaya Vintage Rapidshare Download on this page. Ever since that day, the Playing For Change crew has traveled the world recording and filming musicians, creating Songs Around The World, and building a global family. Creating Songs Around The World inspired the PFC crew to unite many of the greatest musicians they met throughout their journey through the creation of the Playing For Change Band.
These musicians come from many different countries and cultures, but through music they speak the same language. The PFC Band is now touring the world and spreading the message of love and hope to audiences everywhere. The founders of Playing For Change created the Playing For Change Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to building music and art schools for children around the world, and creating hope and inspiration for the future of our planet. Success [ ] The project's 'Stand by Me' video is widely popular online, with 104,223,407 views on as of 27 June 2017. Playing For Change Foundation [ ] The Playing for Change Foundation is a non-profit organization, dedicated to creating and supporting music schools, principally in developing countries. Three music schools and a total of twelve music programs have been created since 2008: • Imvula Music Program,, • Bizung music and dance school, • Udayapur Nepal Music Program,, • Ecole de Musique de Kirina, Kirina, • Tintale Village Mother's Society, • Star School Music Program, • Mitrata Nepal village Music Program, • Musica Music Program,, • Khlong Toey Music Program, • Cajuru Music Program, • Mirpur Music Program, In 2011, the Playing For Change Foundation established an annual Playing For Change Day. The goal of Playing For Change Day is to 'unite a global community through the power of music to affect positive social change'.