Private Pizza Food Fighters
See more of The Food Fighters Toys on Facebook. Oct 09, 2014 Private Pizza from Food Fighters toy line Here is my first model. I just started learning Blender a little over a month ago.
One thing I've always suspected, is that most toy makers have a sadistic side to them. Of course, with many of the toys out there being based on fighting and killing, it's obvious that toy makers are into that kind of stuff. But what I think makes them truly sadistic is how they want to get kids in trouble.

How do they do this? Do these evil toy makers go out into the streets and steal some helpless old lady's purse, beat her to death with a salami, and then leave incriminating evidence that would place the blame on the innocent children of the world? They do something much worse. They make toys that are GUARANTEED to get kids in trouble at one point or another. Mattel might very well be the epitome of evil toy makers. For they are the ones who not only created the twisted ' kit, but also created the FOOD FIGHTERS line of toys! Many of you probably don't even remember the Food Fighters.
Well, they were a short-lived toy line. Gee, I wonder why.

I can just see them cackling in Mattel's creative department: 'So, what new toys should we invent now?' 'Well, I was thinking about making a series based on food fights! We'll take everyday food products, give them faces and weapons and the kids will love it. And then they'll get in real-life food fights and they'll get in deep shit! (in an evil Mr. Burns tone of voice) Seriously though, you KNOW that they had to be able to comprehend that many children out there would cause quite a commotion with these toys.
But before we get into exactly what kind of damage these toys surely caused, let's take a look at some of 'em. TACO TERROR Taco Terror, born in 'Tortilla Flats, Tennessee', is probably my favorite of all of the characters. Stapanul Inelelor Free Torent Down. Not just because I really like Mexican food, but because I think it's funny that this guy would die immediately. Think about it. If you held a taco straight up light that, all of its contents would spill out onto the floor immediately. So it's no wonder that this guy looks so pissed off.