Silent Wav File For 1 Second Download Youtube

Civilization 5 Iso Full Meaning there. I need a 35 second.wav file of silence. It's to fill a spot at the front of a DVD slideshow. I have music for it but the software I use doesn't let me start the sound at a predetermined spot. It just starts playing whatever is on the audio list as soon as the slideshow begins and I want a noiseless intro.
Silent Wav File For 1 Second Download Music. Kaspersky Uninstall Remover. PHILIPS DVT4. USER MANUAL Pdf Download. Register your product and get support at www. Silence: 5 minutes @ 8000 Hz in Wav. Download 1 file. 16 by 16 pixels, 1 second, 8000 Hz wav WMV very small video.
I don't have a wav file editor here at the office or I'd do it me own self. I could also run home and do it but that would take a bit. Since you bunch of genii could probably do it in a split second, I'll bug you instead. Thanks in advance!