48 Strand Dna Activation
In 2004, my husband and I had a unique experience with a Hermetic teacher that informed us we were both Guardians. He was clearly surprised, claiming that he had “never seen two together”. He didn’t tell us much about who The Guardians are or what their purpose is, but often expressed interest in putting a site up just for them. Years later, after an exhaustive amount of research and personal information from my own Guidance, I decided to set up an area for fellow Guardians to peruse and find a place to connect with others. Once you begin to read the various material I have compiled, you can see if you “fit” the Guardian profile. There has virtually been nothing available regarding this subject for years, other than Anna Hayes, otherwise known as A’shayana Deane and in recent years Lisa Renee.
Maji Grail Line Indigo Children are born with the 6th-Strand Template of their 24-48 Strand DNA. Activation of 12 DNA Strands and. Are You A Guardian? 48 Strand DNA Activation - Cosmic DNA Upgrade - Akashic Records Harmonization - Singularity Mastery.
I would strongly advise you pick up Anna’s books entitled, “The Voyagers I and II”, to get a broader sense of the Guardian’s role in this ascension process, because it is immense. America Edition Ethics In Reader Second Source Books. But one thing I can definitely tell you is a bit more information has come forth just within the last year.
Up until this time, there was little to nothing on the Guardians. The purpose for this is that Guardians have typically been covert and in the background with their “off world” responsibilities. Before I get into that, I would like to provide a list of the typical characteristics that you will find in A Guardian. You can see if this resonates with you.

Dear Alexandra, It was a true honor and privilege speaking with you today. I am grateful for the information you shared with me. Elements of our discussion blew my mind. I spent time afterwards integrating the new knowledge on a vibrational level, so I could more fully comprehend what I learned. I’m still processing the personal aspects. I have a renewed sense of gratitude for the Galactic beings who are protecting our planet.
I didn’t realize how close we came to annihilation. Thank you for telling me. I’ve thought about the topics we covered related to the Ambassadors. I believe I can contribute significantly to reaching many of the goals for my region. Creating a community that can meet in person, possibly a Meetup group down the road, possibly blogging after IRP, live reporting, drop-everything 911 protocol I want to confirm that I volunteer.
I started working on my ceramics proposal. The ball is rolling. I looked up the Voyager books which proved to be expensive like you said, however it looks like I found Books 1 and 2 in pdf format. I’m attaching the files to this email in case they could be helpful to GC. I already read a few pages about the hybrid races the mind blowing information keeps coming. 🙂 I will go back and start from the beginning, but I’m glad I found these files and have access.