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Full text of ' /*i ue / f*>§ fljfO / nSlC DIVISION Ol *mmm C[NT[ltf0ltLAB0RMAItl([T STUDI[S U—D EMPLOYMENT SECURITY * UMASS/ AMHERST _ 31SDbt 027fl Q5MT 3 The Job Guide for Human Resource, Counseling, and Placement Professionals Volume 1: Name and Address Listings of Eastern Massachusetts Employers Or! Tl °' Commonwealth of Massachusetts Michael S.
Dukakis, Governor Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 The Job Guide: Volume 1 /?4» C f 116 Wa»vf «r CENTER FOR LABOR MARKET STUDIES D=S DIVISION OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Foreword The Massachusetts Division of Employment Security has supported and encouraged the development of these Job Guides as a practical tool essential to the work of career guidance and vocational counselors and job development and placement professionals throughout the Commonwealth. Who Killed Palomino Molero Pdf Printer. The Guides represent our continued commitment to improving our labor market information system by providing usable products and by fostering pragmatic and informed use of labor market data through our publications and training programs.
We have long recognized that counselors and placement professionals, as well as others who help students and adults define their career goals and secure jobs, are in need of more than just statistical data on industry and occupational employment trends if they are to perform their jobs well. Putumayo Presents Samba Bossa Nova Raritan. They must also be able to relate the above types of information to more specific knowledge of economic establishments in Massachusetts and the occupational and industrial structure within which they operate. To provide employment and training professionals with this essential information, complementing the many other data series developed by our agency, we undertook the task of updating and reissuing the Guides. The Job Guides have been published in a set of three volumes.
Volumes I and II provide name and address listings for economic establishments employing 20 or more individuals within each Service Delivery Area (SDA) in Eastern Massachusetts (Volume I) and Central and Western Massachusetts (Volume II). The listings for the smaller Berkshire and Franklin/Hampshire SDAs in Volume II include establishments which employ 10 or more individuals. Employers are listed by industry. They are further grouped by size-class (in descending order according to size-class range) within each three-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry.
Volume III consists of two sections. The first section contains a User's Guide that describes in detail several ways in which the Guides can be used in the development of an overall strategy to guide career counseling and job development and placement efforts. The process outlined in the Guides is also useful for directing individual job search, for planning education and training programs, and for design- ing marketing strategies for employer services activities. Volume III also presents an Industry/Occupation Matrix for Massachusetts.