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'Fly Electric' - Indoor/Park Models Fly Electric! Tiny Treasures This page is about small light planes, my 'Tiny Treasures'. These indoor/slow-fly/park models are so convenient and such FUN that they are what I fly most of the time, indoor or out, wind or no wind! These are generally not beginners planes but there is variety of free plans to please everyone from hooligans to the more 'relaxed'.
Most of the older designs were intended for GWS 'IPS' motors and nicads. These days you would use CDRom brushless motors and lithium cells for all of these. My older designs are featured on this page and newer designs will open in a new browser window from links below. Here's one to delight the kids, young and old. Fairly well-behaved now most of the time.
If you can handle at least mild aerobatics OR WANT EXTREME 3D then this is the plane to die for! It is almost indestructable but is designed for EPP which makes it harder to build. Not quite as good as Bounce but still very aerobatic and 3D capable.
Designed for Depron. The larger version of this plane is particularly good for learning 3D and knife-edge flight with double-length CDRom motors. The smaller version suits single CDRom motors but is less well mannered. This is the best of the 'pre-CDRom' planes designed for Depron and GWS gear. It is an easily built sports/aerobatic model.
This is a 'classic' and is still one of the best models to start indoor flying. The roll rate is a bit slow but it is reasonably lively for general sport flying. This is sort of a scale version of Nutta with a good roll rate. Crystal Maker Download Crack Pes on this page.
This is a bit silly and can be a handful to fly but looks great in flight. Truly impressive performance for such a small ducted fan model.
Too noisy and fast for indoor. Popular in France and but tailess models are not to everyone's liking. Best Whmcs License Key Generator 2016 - Full Version. A fairly accurate scale model which only suits calm outdoor conditions but does take off from flat water.
Don't stop flying just because the sun set! Oh, did someone say CD-Rom brushless motors were quite neat?:-) the 'new' power source. Plans are provided free for all the models mentioned. As with all my plans you may build the planes, modify them, do almost anything you like, except hold me responsible for anything or profit from the designs. The models are based on or and I list every source that I know of on these links. Read the details on a few similar models irrespective of which one you want to build, as each have tips which may help you with the others. Please let me have feedback, particularly if you spot errors or have queries or suggestions.
'Nutta' Are you a nutter like me? Well then you may also enjoy this stunning little model. As Tim H puts it: 'Cool. Have a NuthaNuttaButtaPeanutbuttaSandwichCookie.'
Think Psychology Baird 2011 Ebook Store on this page. But heed Mike Roberge's warning. 'Nutta is like an 8 second bull ride'! 'After increasing control throws '.she went from a house cat to a tiger. Tearing up the sky. Loops less than the plane length (well almost). Rolls on axis maybe not, rolls to fast to tell.
After a 15 min flight with lipoly 700. I had to make myself a drink. Stiff drink!! Flew it in about 10k wind after the flight was over. Thats when I said that was fun.'