Gpro Driver Oa Calculator Fractions

Limit my search to r/gpro. GPRO Tools & Calculators. Ideal Driver stats for Rookie + Amateur. Submitted 5 years ago by Nooku. GPRO tools - Setup calculator, Fuel Consumption, Tyre wear. Setup calculator; Wing split; OA driver + Training; Car cost; Strategy free; Drivers market.
User Rating: 5 / 5 Please Rate Setup: How to find the optimal setup of the car. Good SETUP Let's see how to find the setup you like the rider in a simple way: It starts by setting for each part to set the value 512. If the pilot is satisfied leaving it that way. If the pilot wants to values greater increases of 256. If the pilot wants a smaller value decreases to 256. At this point, the controls are repeated by increasing or decreasing before 128, then 64, 32, 16,.
And so on until you find the setup you like to the pilot. Usually with this technique in 4/ 5 laps setup is good. To facilitate the search for the setup, you can help with information about the circuit on the ' Downforce ' and ' Suspension rigidity.'
Boa Kpop Selection Download Adobe. For example, ' Downforce: Medium ', starting from 512 if the pilot is not satisfied, instead of increase (or decrease ) of 256, it feels directly from 128 downwards. If ' Downforce: High', instead of starting from 512, is now part of 768 (512 +256 ) and based on the comment of the pilot increases or decreases by 128. If ' Downforce: Low', instead of starting from 512, is now part of 256 ( 512-256 ) and based on the comment of the pilot increases or decreases by 128. Same goes for the suspension. An Optimal SETUP Usually once the pilot is satisfied with the setup found, it is said to be the optimum setting, this is because every driver has a margin of acceptance within which say that it is always satisfied.
For example, if the optimum setting of the exchange is 375, but your pilot has a margin of 100 points of acceptance, it means that between 325 and 425 will always tell you that it's OK, but of course if you say OK 425 will not have the same performance of 375. Finding the optimal setup can also make you gain 0.5 seconds in each section of qualifications ( 0.5 s in Q1 + Q2 = 0.5 s 1s in Grid). To determine the margin of Acceptance (MA) of your driver using the following formula: M.A. = 135 - 0.3 * Knowledge Technique - 0.1 * Experience As will be easy to see the technical knowledge and experience are used to reduce the area of acceptance and the smaller the area the easier it is to find the optimal setup. So in choosing a good driver as well as the talent take into consideration the technical knowledge and experience.
For example, if a driver has 25 Technique Experience and 175 of its Zone of Acceptance will be 110, while 175 Technique and Experience 25 will be accepted as an area of 80. Tecnica: Esperienza: Calcolo M.A.: Wings Car Another important factor is the setting of the ailerons, as it is the sum of the 2 values to give satisfaction, for example, if the pilot is satisfied with the front wing and rear 600 means that the value of satisfaction is 1200 ( 600 + 600 ), this means that even if you put 500 front and 700 rear (or vice versa ), the pilot will always be satisfied (500 +700 = 1200), but it may perform better or worse, this depends very much on the pilot.
Once you find the optimal setup with the ailerons to the same value to rehearse putting forward -50 and +50 rear ( or vice versa if you see worse ) without evidence can understand how you prefer your pilot ailerons and so will most races to do. Temperatures Another factor not to be underestimated are the temperatures which affect both the setup for Q1, is to know how to change the initial setup for the Q2/Race. Trittico Botticelliano Program Notes Beethoven more.