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Night takeoff of a Lockheed Constellation with engine exhausts flaming. Torque Meter Journal of the Aircraft Engine Historical Society For seven years the AEHS published a prestigious quarterly journal, Torque Meter, which contained articles on all types of aircraft engines, both new and old. Topics included engines and the aircraft they powered with emphasis on the engine installation, propellers, accessories, cooling, operation, and maintenance. Torque Meter is no longer published. However, Searchable Torque Meter Table of Contents Compiled by Jim Strobeck Searchable Torque Meter Alphabetic Compiled by Sandy Skinner Most new articles are now published in the AEHS Members also have access to the Now!
Help Needed Rolls-Royce Merlin Book The Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust is putting together a book about the Merlin engine. Soulive Steady Groovin Rarest more. We would like to include a list of surviving engines, and to this end any help would be appreciated.
All that is required is the mark and serial number of the engine, be it airworthy, on display, in a museum aircraft or in private ownership. Engines must be complete or substantially complete - no wrecks. All marks are eligible for engines made in the UK, USA and Australia. We hope to collect serial numbers of all Packard Merlins, including the -3, -7 and -9s, etc., in Mustangs/museums/privately owned (even those built by Continental). Any such knowledge about Merlins other than those in USA/Canada would also be helpful.
If anyone would like to provide me with such details they can e-mail me through Dave Birch, Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust In order to conserve bandwidth, many images and references provided by the Aircraft Engine Historical Society require the use of Portable Data Format (.pdf) and Tagged Image Format (.tif) file readers. Readers for these file formats can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the icons below.
The AEHS Needs Your Help! Please help the Aircraft Engine Historical Society achieve its mission. We need donations and we need material for publication on this web site. If you wish to contribute material, you can find submission guidelines Please feel free to contact us about your article ideas. Webmasters: Please feel free to link to this page of the AEHS site.
Other pages may change and should not be linked. Change History Listed below is everything that has been added to the AEHS web site for the past two years plus selected earlier additions. All are in reverse chronological order. Use this to see what has been added since your last visit, or use your browser's search feature to find specific keywords.